5.5 Record & report your findings
Recording and reporting your findings – While we have these great reports we can download, there is still room for a bit of manual work on our part. Recording and reporting all that data can be a really big task. As I mentioned in an earlier video, it will be a time-saving move to create a solid template. For a lot of the reports you’re going to have to create, you might want to start with a monthly report template, then a quarterly template and eventually create yourself an annual report template. Each of these templates will include a different scope.
In a monthly template, we’d expect to see some more targeted stats – “What campaigns were or are still active”?. “What ads are we running throughout the month”? And “How did they perform”? Sticking to the metrics, we highlighted in our earlier video, “What was the reach? The impressions? and the cost per result for each ad?
In a quarterly report, we would expect to see a general view of some of the bigger figures to report. “What campaigns did we deploy over the quarter”? “How much did we spend over the quarter”?” What were the key results”? This could be everything from total traffic driven to our website to conversion purchases that we can attribute to our ads.
A yearly report would usually take a high-level look at the year in totality. What were the biggest campaigns of the year,” How did they perform? This style of report would definitely include some sort of ROI calculation, as annually, we’d be expecting to see some form of dollar value for our spend.
The other point I wanted to touch on here was the recording of your insights and findings. It’s easy to get swept up in the midst of a campaign and forget about some of those early learnings. So I find that for myself, the easiest way to keep track of these is to have a notebook by my computer ready to jot down any insights from the ads or campaigns I’m running. This allows me not only to reflect back on my successes and failures in the future but it also serves as a reminder for previous learnings. In my time as a freelancer, I have worked across several industries, sometimes more than once. And as I have built up those insights, it has meant that I am able to avoid some of my previous mistakes and capitalize on my previous successes.
For example, early on, I worked for a tourism company. I discovered through AB testing that thumbnails on video ads that contain the landscapes of New Zealand were successful within the national audience. However, thumbnails that included people were much more successful with our overseas market. This is an insight that I then went on to test and confirm during another contract some years later. These insights can save time, budget and work for us as we aim to construct streamlined campaigns.