5 Best Marketing Podcasts to Follow

NZIE best marketing podcasts blog
Picture of By Kristine Aitchison
By Kristine Aitchison

Author & Content Specialist

Digital marketing is a fast-growing industry. Technology continues to change and evolve – it can be hard to keep up. Listening to podcasts is an engaging way to stay up to date with industry trends and insights. Podcasts can be a valuable resource for continuous learning and provide plenty of inspiration for your own marketing.   

But in a world where time is limited and content is abundant, which digital marketing podcasts should you be tuning into? Here are our top five picks. 

#1. Marketing 4 Business  

Hosted by the Founder of Digital Influence, Scott Wilson, the Marketing 4 Business Podcast provides business owners with insights and strategies, real-world examples, and marketing advice on what’s working in marketing right now. A key reason to listen is the educational and engaging format that aims to provide useful and valuable insights, alongside a mix of interviews with successful business owners and marketing experts. Some current episodes worth listening to are What’s working in digital marketing right now? and Marketing in an AI world. 

#2. Blue Ocean B2B Inspired Podcast  

The Blue Ocean B2B podcast unpacks the ins and outs of B2B marketing. Exploring strategy and emerging trends, it’s a useful resource for anyone looking to stay sharp in the B2B marketing world.  

It focuses on authentic conversations with thought leaders in the New Zealand B2B marketing industry, including Paige Wilkinson, Global Marketing Manager at Fonterra, and Brandon Palmer, Head of Marketing at Hnry. During these episodes they discuss strategies that have worked for them, the challenges they’ve faced, and the lessons learned along the way. 

#3. Confident Content 

Rachel Klaver from Identify is well-known in the digital marketing scene. She produces two podcasts, Confident Content and MapITMarketing. Confident Content is a podcast for small business owners who want to create content with confidence. Whether it’s blogs, videos, or captions, the podcast offers expert advice on how to become a better content marketer. Rachel is a small business owner herself, so she speaks from experience. 

 #4. Veer off Track  

If social marketing is your thing, then you’ll enjoy this podcast produced by the University of Canterbury, Professor Ekant Veer. We spoke to Ekant last year about social media for social change, and it was an insightful look into social media marketing strategies that influence behavioural change. In this podcast, Ekant chats with friends, consumers, and colleagues about marketing, society, consumers and consumption. It’s worth tuning in for his episode with world-famous New Zealander, Sir Ashley Bloomfield where he speaks about his approach to leading the country through the COVID pandemic.  

#5. Small Business Marketing Huddle  

Hosted by Lily Richmond from Marketing on Demand this podcast offers short, waffle-free episodes that break down important marketing concepts, providing practical actions you can apply to your business. She discusses pricing strategies, target markets, and brand strategy and even throws in a bunch of freebies you can work through for your own marketing strategy. Even if you’re not working with a small business, it’s a great resource for inspiration. 

So, whether you’re looking for something to listen to while stuck in traffic, to stay up to date, to be inspired, or to learn something new — podcasts are a powerful way to increase your industry knowledge.  

But it doesn’t have to stop there. Podcasts are a great tool for building your own brand audience. With 30 per cent of New Zealanders listening to approximately four podcasts a week, a well-produced podcast could be your opportunity to build brand authority with your audience. 

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