If you have been looking for a new career, you may have heard that digital marketers are in hot demand right now. Or maybe you would like to learn online marketing skills to reach more customers and grow your business.
Whatever your reason for considering a digital marketing course, you understand it’s an important skill set to develop.
Of course, any Google search will bring up hundreds of options, and Twitter and Facebook aren’t much help either. When every course provider is telling you they are the best, how do you decide which digital marketing course is right for you?
In this guide we tell you everything you need to know about how to choose a digital marketing course that will help you enter the digital marketing arena with highly developed skills.
1. Choose a Course with a Comprehensive Curriculum
As you learn more about how to choose a digital marketing course you will come across a wide array of courses covering a range of different marketing topics. Many options will be free, but there is an investment in time that means free is not always better.
It might also pay to keep in mind that many free courses are rarely updated and may be behind the times.
Digital marketing is a many faceted industry requiring knowledge and experience in a lot of different skillsets.
If you want to make sure you stand out from the crowd, then a course that covers all the important aspects of digital marketing will be critical to a successful career.
2. What Skills Will You Learn?
The best digital marketing course will deliver a well-rounded curriculum covering every area of digital marketing, including:
- Search Engine and Website Optimisation
- Ad Design
- Content and Social Media Marketing
- E-Commerce
- Data Analysis
- Digital Platforms (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- Graphic Design Software
- And Much More
Digital marketing is a fast-moving industry, so you will also want to make sure any course you choose is relevant to the current market trends.
3. What are Other Students Saying About the Course?
When demand for a certain skill set grows, there are always those ready to take advantage of the inexperienced.
Fortunately, the internet makes it relatively easy to research whether a digital marketing course is reputable and worth your time. Ex-students are an excellent resource for reviews, and a quick Google search will tell you everything you need to know.
Once you have gained an understanding about how well the course has been accepted by past students, researching the alumni profile will give you more of an idea about your employment prospects. A digital marketing course without a decent portfolio of alumni could mean you need to keep looking.
4. How Well Recognized is the Course?
How well recognized is the Digital Marketing Course? Studying hard for a qualification that has little to no validity out in the workforce will mean your efforts have been in vain.
Without the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) seal of approval, any digital marketing course you take has not been held to a high educational standard. Potential employers will have no way to validate your skills or knowledge.
If your goal is to secure a position as a digital marketing specialist with an employer, then a nationally recognized qualification is a critical first step.
5. Online Vs Offline Study – Which is Better?
How convenient is the study timetable? Even if you have access to a physical campus nearby, you will still need to find the time to attend classes according to a strict timetable.
Plus, you will either rely on public transport or a vehicle to get there, which often means a lengthy commute and more expense with fares or parking.
Online learning provides all the value of a classroom lecture and without the commute. Also, you will still have access to expert tutors through digital channels rather than having to come into a campus.
If you work full time, or even part-time, online digital marketing courses allow you to continue earning while you study.

6. The Best Digital Marketing Courses Combine Theory with Practice
Theory has its place, but when it comes to digital marketing, practical experience will give you the edge in any job interview.
Anybody can rattle off theory in a video, but tutors who are veterans of the digital marketing arena will always provide the most value, because they know what works from personal experience.
When you are researching how to find a digital marketing course, look for a provider staffed by industry professionals who have tried and tested skills in the real world. That way, you know you won’t be subjected to any course filler fluff.
7. What are Your Internship Opportunities?
When you are learning how to find a digital marketing course, focus on the courses that also provide internship support/work experience along with your qualification.
Internships are unpaid and usually part time, but the hands-on industry experience you gain will be invaluable in your subsequent job search.
Interns who perform well are also likely to gain full-time employment in the organisation with which they intern.
8. If You Have the Passion You will Succeed
It doesn’t matter what field you decide to work in, you’ll the passion to succeed. Digital marketing is no different and can be a tougher than some because of its rapidly evolving nature.
Digital marketing is a continuously shifting landscape. What worked last year, or even last month, may no longer achieve the same results today. If you’re looking at studying on any course and making a commitment, it’s always good to focus on the ‘why am I doing it?’ Follow your passion and set your goals up early will give you the confidence to succeed in this industry.
There is plenty of room to grow and create a brilliant future for yourself in digital marketing, but you will need the right mindset and a desire to always be expanding on your knowledge and skills.
NZIE Diploma in Digital Marketing
You know you have the drive and passion to succeed in digital marketing. Now that you also know a little bit more about how to choose a digital marketing course, the next step is to find a reputable institution that will teach you the skills you need.
NZIE is proud to be the first NZQA-approved digital marketing course in New Zealand. We have achieved this status because of our commitment to delivering the most comprehensive, nationally recognised Diploma in Digital Marketing.
Our students learn practical, relevant skills from industry experts. Every successful student leaves us with a strong foundation on which they can grow as Digital Marketing experts in the field, and many of our graduates are now highly valued professionals in the New Zealand workforce.
Do you have what it takes to join them? Find out more today.